Saraha was born into a conservative Muslim family in the North of England, but his ethnic roots are from Central Asia and India. His childhood saw him grow up in an extremely stifled environment where he never saw physical affection of any kind between his parents. This repressive atmosphere led him to struggle with his sexual awakening as a teenager. Unable to overcome the deep family conditioning and taboo around sexuality, Saraha found himself unable to approach girls despite the urges and feelings arising in him. Eventually, his frustration led him to reject his inner state and he sought comfort in God and the Muslim faith.

At age twenty-two, he met a Sufi Master and found something deeper in this spiritual aspect of Islam. He was initiated into the Naqshbandi Sufi path where he spent the next fifteen years of his life. He eventually became an Imam and a religious teacher, believing this was the way to enlightenment. At age twenty-six, Saraha married a Muslim woman and tried his best to follow a life of faith and monogamy, but this meant denying himself of his intellectual and sexual exploration. His attempts to repress the fire burning within him failed and he resorted to fantasy and pornography as an outlet for his inner turmoil and sexual frustration. This period of inner struggle lasted into his thirties until a chance meeting in a bookshop led him to the words of the Indian Mystic Osho. He began to study Osho’s books and came across the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. This was a seminal moment in Saraha’s life as he began to realise how his religious life had taken him into a path of repression, frustration and addiction. From that moment his life took a different course. Realising that his feelings and desires were completely normal and natural, not shameful, or sinful, he saw a new possibility for his life. He decided to explore Osho’s teachings more deeply and within a year he visited his Ashram in Pune India. For the first time in his life, Saraha felt he was home. For the first time, he felt that who he was inside was accepted and validated. He began to do the daily active meditations devised by Osho and started to feel joy and freedom he had never experienced before.
Upon his return to the UK, Saraha continued to read and listen to Osho’s many discourses and books. This newfound expression of sexual liberation opened his eyes to the ancient practice of Tantra. He was further inspired into the discipline by another master, Taoshobuddha who encouraged him to dive deeply into a variety of mystical traditions: Sufism, Zen, Tantra, Bhakta and the Bauls, but it was Tantra that he felt most at home with. Saraha saw that Taoshobuddah’s teachings resonated with him at the deepest, almost ancestral level, therefore he began to participate in courses and training to develop his understanding and attunement to the Tantric way.
A new freedom had arrived within him and over the following five years, Saraha began to shed the shame and guilt around sexuality that he had carried all his life. His inhibitions began to dissolve, and he became comfortable with his own body and the bodies of others, enjoying the freedom to be naked and open with like-minded souls. This led to his involvement in groups and courses that taught Tantric massage and meditation techniques. He saw a new life purpose opening for him, one that just felt right. His emancipation inspired within him the calling to be a support and guide to others who needed help in overcoming their conditioning and repression to be free, whole, and healed. It became his life’s purpose and had committed to the path he now follows – the path of the Tantrika.

“ Devotion frees!“