Tantra, rooted in ancient Indian philosophy and spirituality, has gained significant popularity in recent years for its unique approach to sensuality, consciousness, and personal growth.

This blog explores the essence of the Tantric lifestyle, drawing insights from prominent figures like Osho, Margo Anand, and Alan Lowen. Tantric philosophy encourages individuals to embrace their sensuality, deepen their connection with themselves and others, and ultimately attain higher states of consciousness.

The Tantric Path to Wholeness

At its core, Tantra is a path to wholeness, where sensuality is not just about physical pleasure but a gateway to spiritual growth. Osho, also known as Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, was an influential Indian mystic and spiritual teacher, who emphasised the importance of embracing our sensuality as a means to connect with our inner selves. He once said, “Tantra says life is good as it is. It does not believe in any repression. It does not say, ‘Control your senses.’ It says, ‘Become more sensitive.'” Osho’s teachings encourage individuals to dissolve the barriers between the physical and the spiritual, allowing sensuality to be a transformative force in one’s life.

For example, imagine a couple engaging in a simple act like sharing a meal. In the Tantric lifestyle, as advocated by Osho, this moment can be transformed into a sacred experience. Instead of mindlessly consuming their food, they decide to practice mindfulness, paying attention to the sensations in their mouths. They make eye contact, communicate without words, and feel a profound connection.

Margo Anand, an acclaimed teacher, echoes this sentiment by stating that Tantra is about “making love with life.” Her teachings invite us to see the extraordinary in the ordinary, to embrace each moment with love and awareness, and to make every aspect of life a source of joy and spiritual growth.

The Role of Consciousness

Tantra places a significant emphasis on expanding consciousness. Alan Lowen, another prominent teacher, also highlights the importance of mindfulness and presence in the Tantric lifestyle. He advocates using sensuality as a vehicle for achieving deeper states of awareness. Lowen often speaks about the transformative power of conscious touch and intimate connection, stating, “In Tantric practice, we are invited to make love to life, and through our heightened senses and deep presence, we can access profound states of consciousness.”

In Tantra, sexual energy is seen as a powerful force that can be harnessed to elevate one’s consciousness. It’s about transcending the physical to reach a state of unity with the universe. Osho succinctly captures this idea, saying, “Tantra is the science of transforming ordinary lovers into soulmates. And that is the grandeur of Tantra. It can transform the whole earth; it can transform each couple into soulmates.”

In terms of something like tantric massage, the physical sensation of the masseur’s ‘conscious and loving touch’ helps the recipient experience an enhanced awareness of themselves, but also of their metaphysical being. In another context, sexual energies, including those of the root chakra, can be channelled through higher chakras and transformed.

When expressed through the heart chakra, it becomes compassion and an enhanced ability to both give and receive love. When it rises to the throat chakra, it empowers the creativity of one’s voice. If channelled through the third eye chakra, it empowers one’s ability to intuit and analyse information. If this channelling is completed to the crown chakra, it allows one to open themselves to the divine, universal consciousness. This is how Tantra can transform mere lovers into true soulmates. This channelling of energies is what creates presence and awareness, compassion, tolerance, patience, non-attachment and all the other qualities that give sustainably and longevity to relationships.

Integrating Tantric Principles into Everyday Life

Incorporating Tantric wisdom into daily life can be as simple as finding sacredness in ordinary moments.

Let’s picture the everyday scenario of queuing to pay for groceries. Taking a moment to pause and cultivate feelings of gratitude, acknowledging the food choices available and the chance to provide nourishment transforms an everyday task into a meaningful and spiritually enriching moment.

The concept of “making love with life” can be adapted to simply connecting to the great outdoors. Listening to the chirping of birds, the gentling rustling of leaves or feeling the warmth of the morning sun provides a connection to the natural world. Practical application of Tantra’s principles leads to greater fulfilment and consciousness in our daily lives.

Embarking on a Transformative Journey

Tantra, as advocated by transformational leaders, philosophers, teachers and authors such as Osho, Margo Anand, and Alan Lowen, offers a profound and holistic approach to sensuality, consciousness, and personal growth. By integrating the wisdom of Tantra into our lives, we can embark on a transformative journey toward wholeness, self-discovery, and a deeper connection with ourselves and others.